Leia Kraeuter
Elementary Principal
With over a decade of experience in school leadership, Ms. Leia Kraeuter has dedicated her career to leading and learning. As a principal, Ms. Leia has focused on leveraging the potential of a building by identifying and building on adult strengths.
She is trained in IBDP, Cognitive Coaching, and has led professional development focused on school culture, professional learning communities, and change models to help promote engagement in cycles of continuous improvement. Leia has served in the United States as a district coordinator responsible for training and supporting novice building administrators. She has worked in Title 1 school districts and has successfully led turnaround efforts as well as leading her school into a performance-based model.
Ms. Leia is a compassionate leader and listener with a collaborative approach and we are thrilled to welcome her in the new school year as a member of our GAA community.