Latest Stories
Read the latest stories from GEMS American Academy - Abu Dhabi students below.
Teacher Spotlight: Meet our Passionate Music Teacher
From Rock Stages to the Classroom: Inspiring the Next Generation of Musicians
First Place in the Poetry Competition
Grade 10 student Rana Makki wins the first place in the "12-18 The Ways of Water" poetry competition, part of the Oxford Canal Festival!
A Global Exchange of Leadership
A Global Exchange of Leadership: GEMS American Academy Welcomes Principals from Azerbaijan
Congratulations to Preethika Kannan from Grade 11 for successfully participating UNITY MUN!
Ivy League University Acceptance
Congratulations to one of our many exceptional GAA students, Jiwon Jun, class of 2020, who will be joining Princeton University!
Model United Nations with GAA
In January 2020 GAA students participated in the Model United Nations session in GEMS World Academy in Dubai.
Meeting Dr. Jane Goodall
Our Grade 5 students Nicolas Gainza Yepez and Eshal Siddiqui from GAA Roots and Shoots..