Timings and Attendance
Grades |
Monday-Thursday | Fridays |
PreK*, KG1 & KG2 | 7:45am - 2:45pm | 7:45am - 12:00pm |
Grades 1-5 | 7:45am - 2:55pm | 7:45am - 12:00pm |
Grades 6-12 | 7:45am - 3:00pm | 7:45am - 12:00pm |
* 1pm early pick up available for PreK students.
Pick-Up & Drop-Off Procedures
We kindly ask that parents adhere to timings to ensure students are not missing valuable instruction time.
We would also like to remind parents that we also have a school bus network available to all families. If you would like your child to take the bus, or for more information on this service, please email [email protected]
Morning Drop Off
There is no supervision before 07:30. If student arrives before 07:30, students will be accompanied to Cafeteria where they will be supervised by school staff.
Bus rider students arriving before 7:30, will be waiting inside the bus together with bus conductors and enter the school building at 07:30.
Kindergarten Students:
We ask that parents allow the front car park area to become a KG drop off site only. Please help us in maintaining a safe and effective drop off point for our youngest members of the school community, KG parents will be grateful!
As there are simply not enough parking spaces to allow each family to park and walk their child to the classroom, we are requesting that you drop off your child:
At the front gate of KG Reception if your child is in Kindergarten, which includes KG with older siblings.
There will be many teaching assistants waiting for KG students at the gates from 7:30am to chaperone your child to their classroom.
Should you prefer to bring in your child directly, please enter through the KG Reception.
Afternoon Pick-Up
Monday through Thursday the school day finishes at 2:45pm for Kindergarten students, 2:55pm for Elementary and 3:00pm for Secondary students. On Fridays all students finish at 12:00pm.
Parents may pick up their child from their classroom door starting from 2:45pm. Older students are able to meet their parents and all are requested to be off campus by 3:15pm. If your child has not been collected by 3:15pm, you will be contacted by the school. Please note KG late pick up will be from the KG Reception.
We would like to thank all families for their cooperation in ensuring that everyone enjoys a stress free morning drop off and afternoon pick up.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Attendance & Absences
If a child is absent due to sickness or any other reason, please phone the Divisional Office to report their absence first thing in the morning. There are also times when an absence is unavoidable and in such cases, parents are asked to contact the school in advance whenever possible.
Please notify the relevant Divisional Secretary:
- KG - Grade 5: Elementary Secretary (email: [email protected])
- Grade 6 - Grade 12: Secondary Secretary (email: [email protected])
Late Arrival
Any late students must sign-in and receive a late slip with Reception (KG - Grade 5) or Secondary Secretary (Grade 6 - 12).
- KG and Elementary Students' late attendance will be marked after 07:45am. Students must collect late slips from Main Reception.
- Middle and High School Students' late attendance will be marked after 07:45am. Students must collect late slips from Secondary Secretary.
Early Pick-Up
- Parent to Email Teacher (KG - Grade 5) or Secretary (KG - Grade 12), or call school in advance if they wish for an early pick-up. They must state child's full name, class (grade), date and pick-up time.
- Teacher and Secretary will notify GAA Reception regarding the early pick-up.
- Teacher/Secretary will send child to Reception at requested time as stated in email.
- On arrival, KG - Grade 5 parent will sign-out at Reception for Early slip / Grade 6 - 12 students will collect their Slips from Secondary Secretary and proceed outside.
Early slip must be shown to Security to exit GAA campus. - IMPORTANT - No early pick up is possible from 14:30 for Grades KG-12 students from Monday to Thursday. On Fridays no early pick up is possible from 11:30.