Frequently Asked Questions
For more information, please see our “Standards-Based Learning Frequently Asked Questions” brochure. Also, please feel free to view our parent information night video in which renowned educator Thomas Guskey helps to inform our community about the reasoning and rationale of standards-based learning.
- Standards-Based Learning Frequently Asked Questions (English)
- Standards-Based Learning Frequently Asked Questions (Arabic)
- Thomas Guskey Information Night Video
What is standards-based assessment and grading?
A “grade” has one purpose: to communicate a student’s learning. Standards-based grading is designed to do just that – clearly communicate a student’s academic progress toward proficiency of clearly defined curriculum standards. Curriculum standards are defined for each course and specifically indicate what the student is expected to know and be able to do.
Throughout the course, a student completes assessments that help the teacher track progress toward proficiency of a curriculum standard and where students may require additional assistance. Each assessment may target multiple curriculum standards. A proficiency level is determined for each curriculum standard targeted.
Approaches to Learning are reported separately. These “ATLs” are noted on the report card for parents to see, but will not factor into the letter grade.
Why is GEMS American Academy - Abu Dhabi using standards-based assessment and grading?
In order to best prepare students for post-secondary education and a career, GEMS American Academy - Abu Dhabi is using a standards-based assessment, grading and reporting system to more accurately monitor, measure and communicate a student’s learning, growth and academic achievement. This system will also positively affect the classroom - allowing teachers to provide clearer and more meaningful feedback for each student, based on their specific needs and goals.
For more information, please see our “Standards-Based Learning Frequently Asked Questions” brochure. Also, please feel free to view our parent information night video in which renowned educator Thomas Guskey helps to inform our community about the reasoning and rationale of standards-based learning.